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  1. Bonjour,

    Je m’appelle Charlotte Torck. Je suis étudiante en Architecture a l’Université de Dundee en Écosse. Je viens d’avoir ma licence en Juin dernier. Je travaille cette année dans un cabinet d’architecture a Shanghai avant de retourner en écosse pour mon master. D’avril a Aout (pour une durée de 3 ou 5 mois) j’aimerais faire du volontariat. Je cherche si possible a participer a la reconstruction d’écoles (bâtiments). Haiti est depuis que j’ai démarré mais recherche le pays ou je souhaiterais me rendre.
    Je voulais savoir si vous pouviez me donner des renseignements sur le sujet.

    Je vous remercie de votre aide par avance.

    Bien cordialement,


    • Salut Charlotte,
      Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt porté envers Haiti et le projet d’éducation à distance en particulier. Nous allons vous contacter au cours de cette semaine pour discuter de votre participation éventuelle au projet ou à d’autres qui se font actuellement en Haiti.

      Bonne journée!

  2. Greetings,
    My name is Veronique M Dolce and it is only by accident that I came across this project on facebook and what a happy accident it has been! Kudos for initiating such an ambitious project,I am really impressed that someone thought of it, I just wish I came up with the idea first (just kidding). I also think that your Web master has done an excellent job creating this website, it was fairly easy to navigate.
    I realized that the website is bilangual(French and English) which is great, but I was wondering would it be possible in the future to add creole in the mix since your target audience is located in Haiti. It would probably entice your target audience to register for this wonderful program. I listened to many Interviews here explaining the why, how, and when of this project and I was also wondering if those students that are targeted know the existence of this program? do you have a liaison or a spokeperson in Haiti recruiting students or is there someone making sure that parents and students aware of this oportunity?? If yes are they in forms of SubCommittees in different parts of the country and how can they be found in Haiti?
    Again I am in Awe of this project , keep up the great work and I will help in any way I can.
    Good Day

    • Thank you Veronique for your insightful advices and elogious words. We are trying to reach out to as many students as we can. Our constant efforts start paying off. The idea of organizing subcommittees around the country is appealing and will be promptly implemented. We have liaisons in Haiti, and will continue to recruit more volunteers as needed. Your genuine support is fully appreciated.

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